Champ de choux

Legal information


Website publisher

Route de Saint Pol
29233 Cléder, France
T 00 33 298 19 51 00

Website creation



Élodie Cloarec

Hosting :

PHPNET France – Nuxit – Groupe Magic Online
97 – 97 Bis rue Général Mangin 38100 Grenoble, France

Photo credit:

Mathieu Le Gall
L’œil de Paco
Prince de Bretagne

Data retention and management :

In accordance with French Law No. 2004-801 dated 6 August 2004 relative to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, amending Law No. 78-17 dated 6 January 1978 on information technology, data files and civil liberties, you have the right to access, modify, correct or delete any personal information concerning you by simple request sent by email.

Protection of personal data :

The editor only collects personal data that is provided voluntarily by visitors to the website. Furthermore, the publisher undertakes not to disclose any information collected to third parties.

Hyperlinks :

The website may contain hypertext links to websites that are completely independent of the publisher’s website. The publisher does not assume in any way or guarantee that the information contained in such hypertext links or in any other website is accurate, complete or truthful. Accordingly, access to other websites linked to the publisher’s website is under the sole responsibility of the user. The publisher cannot guarantee the accuracy, comprehensiveness or relevance of the information published on the website. The publisher makes every effort to publish accurate and up-to-date information. You acknowledge that you use this information under your sole responsibility.

The publisher cannot be held liable for :

  • errors or omissions in the information published on the website,
  • direct or indirect damage that may result from access to or use of the website, including accessibility, loss of data, deterioration, destruction or viruses that may affect your computer hardware and/or the presence of viruses on the website.

You are informed that the site can be accessed twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week except in the event of force majeure, problems related to computer systems, issues with telecommunications networks or technical difficulties. The editor may take the website offline for maintenance purposes.