tomate pouliquen

The original tomatoes

  • tomate marmande pouliquen
  • tomates anciennes différents coloris
  • http://tomate%20marmande%20pouliquen
  • http://tomates%20anciennes%20différents%20coloris


If there are classic tomatoes, then there are bound to be novelty tomatoes. This family includes about fifteen varieties of tomatoes. They include:

  • The Saveurs d’antan tomatoes are an assortment of heirloom varieties. They come in various colours and shapes and will liven up your dishes!
  • The Ananas d’antan tomato is a ribbed, soft and sweet tomato with tasty flesh that melts in your mouth. Its name comes from its shape. Indeed, when cut across its width, the slices look like pineapple slices.
  • The Marmande d’antan is a fairly early-season tomato and an heirloom variety. It is sweet and fragrant with dense, firm flesh.
  • The Prune d’antan tomato has a beautiful colour, somewhere between yellow and plum.

Here are some more:

  • The San Marzano tomato is a late-season variety. This variety of tomato is known for its firm, dense flesh with few seeds and low juice content.
  • The Cornue tomato is an old, early-season variety. The fruit has a long, pointed shape. Its flesh is firm and juicy with a fragrant and acid-free flavour.
  • The Cœur d’antan tomato is a pointed, heart-shaped tomato. It is the original Cœur de boeuf beef tomato. This variety features large, fleshy fruits and an incomparable fragrance.
  • The Téton de Vénus tomato is very red. It is round with a nipple-shaped tip, a feature that gives it its name (téton is French for “nipple”). It is a very sweet tomato.
  • The Noire d’antan tomato is a sweet-tasting ribbed tomato without any acidity. It has a remarkable colour, which ranges from purple to dark brown.
  • The Green d’antan is a green tomato which features yellow-green stripes when it is ripe. Its flesh melts in your mouth, and tastes distinctively sweet and spicy.
  • The pink tomato is probably one of the tastiest heirloom varieties. Its fruit is round and very slightly flattened. More pink than red, this variety of tomato has very juicy flesh.
  • The Baby San Marzano tomato is a guaranteed hit for your aperitif. The shape of this Italian tomato is long like a pepper. It is crisp and fragrant.
  • Mixed cherry tomatoes are a great way to vary your culinary pleasures. The mix includes very different colours and flavours.

Seasonal availability of novelty tomatoes:

The Saveurs d’antan tomato: all year round
The Baby San Marzano tomato: available from March to November
Other varieties: available from April to November

Our producers

The eighty-five tomato producers who have worked with the Pouliquen Group for many years are members of the SICA and Les Maraîchers d’Armor agricultural cooperatives.

Types of packing for novelty tomatoes:

The Pouliquen Group can meet all your needs.
Contact us to discuss your requirements.


Box Size (cm)


No. of boxes / pal 80×120

No. of boxes / pal 100×120

All except San Marzano

Wooden  40x30x12

3.5 kg



San Marzano

Tray 60x40x10

4 kg

7 kg